• Charles Spencer “Charlie” Chaplin was born on 16 April 1889 in London England.
  • Death — 25 December 1977 in Switzerland from the complications of a stroke in the early morning.
  • Father, Charles Chaplin and mother -Hannah Chaplin
  • first onstage performance was when he was 5 years old
  • He came to the US in 1910, at the age of 21.
  • First film, in 1914, was aptly titled Making A Living directed by Henry Lehrman.
  • 1921 His first full length film called “The Kid.”
  • In Kid and Auto Races at Venice, his trademark dress ( the gentleman tramp routine, twirling cane, bowler, tight jacket, and baggy pants) first filmed .
  • four marriages—September 1918, Chaplin married the 17-year-old actress Mildred Harris.Lita Grey , 2nd wife charlie chaplin, was a teenage actress. She was 16 and he was 35.Paulette Goddard, 3rd wife married in china ( controversy)Oona O’Neill , 4th and last wife ( she died in 1991)
  • Barry affair cost Charlie Chaplin to lost his popularity in US

Rare Photos of Charlie Chaplin